That pussy quiz was totally weak sauce. Let's see if any of you can stand up to my ULTIMATE quiz!
I made a Quiz for you!
Take my Quiz! and then
Check out the Scoreboard! see if any of you can get at least 50%! HAH
Christmas is coming up waaaaaaay too fast. Kids are going apeshit. I think I overheard them plotting to bash Santa over the head come December 24th and just take all of his presents. Adam and I are going to make them volunteer for needier kids and donate their old clothes + toys to the poor. Seriously. I didn't get shit for Christmas passed the age of 10 ~ Ben should be so lucky he got my hand-me-downs. I don't think he realizes it. Thinks he got them new.
Must have talk with boy and girl.
If this greedy shit continues I'll shear their heads and give their hair to cancer patients.
I think girl #2 is going to be graduating from her crib and getting a bed for Christmas. She sleeps with the cage part down anyway and Adam has been taking her out shopping with him lately, deliberately showing her furniture stores and passing by the little girls section so she isn't totally thrown off guard.
He still hates shopping this time of the year - he says it brings out the real "desperate housewives" that think he's a good target for hitting on. Adam doesn't look 26 - he is constantly carded and with the right attire can pass for a high school student. So these housewives see him with a toddler and instantly think he's just some man slut that knocked up some girl who is making him shop while she sits at home eating candy or something.
I think he told one lady, "How am I supposed to teach my kid not to talk to strangers when her dad keeps getting on by horny bored housewives!"
that made her too embarrassed to continue her flirting but he still hates going out without me.
I repell women. *g*