Ally tries to write fanfiction, part one

Aug 05, 2008 01:35

I broke down and was tempted by a few of the prompts over at hiphuggerfics, so out came this story. It's still in progress, but I plan to keep up with it. Please go easy on me, as this is my first attempt at writing fanfiction. I haven't written any type of fiction in forever, but it felt good to try it out again. Okay, enough blabbing, it's story time!

Category: CSI: Miami
Title: The First Five
Chapter: 1
Chapter Title: Chapter 1
Genre: Romance/utter fluff
Rating: Fiction Rated: K+ (this chapter). Future chapters may be rated T
Summary: Based on LJ community hiphuggerfics prompt "Five Times...", this is the story of the first five most important occurrences of Eric and Calleigh's relationship.

The first time wasn't even a real date. But for Eric Delko, it was something important.


He found her in the locker room, sitting on the floor, leaning against a row of lockers with her legs stretched out in front of her. She was reading something, probably a forensics journal or something else work-related. Calleigh always was a workaholic. It was one of the many things he adored about her.

"Hey," he greeted, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.


She looked up at him and returned his smile with one of her own. She was always happy to see him.

He leaned against the row of lockers.

"You know, that thing there?" he gestured towards the bench "It's called a bench. It's meant for you to sit on."

Calleigh grinned. "Yes, but the benches have no back rest to them. Do you want me to get a sore back?"

"Sure. Then I'd get to give you a back rub to ease the pain away." A cheeky grin worked its way into his mouth.

"Or I could just take some Advil and leave it at that."

She couldn't stop the giggle that resulted from seeing Eric's grin morph into a puppy-eyed pout.

"But seriously," he countered "Do you have any idea how many germs could be on that floor?"

"To be honest, I hadn't thought about it, so I suppose I should get a move on and go home. Thank you, Ryan."

Eric chuckled.

"You know, I was thinking, I'm pretty hungry. Do you want to grab something to eat?"

"How can I resist an offer like that?"

She closed her book and set it down next to her. When she looked up, she saw Eric's outstretched hand in front of her, offering to help her up. She smiled and took it. As Calleigh's hand brushed against Eric's, he felt a jolt of electricity. From the way she hesitated for a brief moment, Eric knew she felt it too. He pulled her up so she was standing next to him, then reached behind her and picked up her book. She smiled.


"No problem."


At dinner they made small talk, telling jokes, and comparing notes on cases. Gradually, the subject matter shifted to more serious topics.

"So, uh, how's Jake?" he ventured nervously. Calleigh looked up.

"He's, uh, he's fine. A little down, though. We broke up."


"Yeah. He could tell I wasn't fully vested in our relationship."


"I'm sorry?"

"Why weren't you fully vested in your relationship with him?"

"Eric, please."

"Cal, we're best friends. You can tell me anything. I guess it's none of my business, but if you want to talk, I'm here."

"It's just..."

"Just what, Cal?" he asked gently. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

"He...he was jealous of you. Of our friendship. And our working relationship. I told him my friendship with you was more important than my relationship with him. He was disappointed, but didn't seem all that surprised."

There was a moment of silence between them as Eric processed what Calleigh had told him.

"Cal, I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Ruining your relationship. I tried not to get in the way, but I guess I did anyway. I'm sorry."

"Eric, you didn't do anything wrong. You were perfect. You always have been. I'm the one that screwed up."

"Calleigh, what are you talking about?"

"I...I did something stupid. Jake was there, and I just...I don't know, found he was easier to go to than facing my feelings."

"Cal, I'm confused. What's going on?"

"Eric, I...I know you said...well, hinted...that you felt certain things...before Jake happened."


"I, uh, I felt the same way. I still do. But I've never been an emotional person. I didn't really know what to do. It was easier to fall back into old habits than face something new."

She paused and looked deep into his eyes, intent on revealing everything she felt.

"Eric, you're such an amazing person. You feel things with such an intensity, and aren't afraid to show it. I was afraid. Afraid of losing my best friend, afraid of something that felt so real. So...I'm the one that should feel sorry."

Eric sat in awe for a minute. He couldn't believe it. Couldn't believe she was being so open with him. Couldn't believe what she was telling him. He knew he had to respond before she panicked and shut the door on her emotions.

"Calleigh? I still feel the same. How do you feel?"

She took a moment to think before she responded.

"I don't feel afraid any longer."

fanfic, eric/calleigh, show: csi:miami

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