Nov 04, 2003 23:27
Welp..Been talking to Charity on the phone for over an hour now. She's a really cool girl, Im supposed to go see a movie with her Thursday. Sounds like a good plan. But on the brighter note, she said she would hook me up with birthday head! HOW LUCKY! I mean in my opinion thats the best gift ever. She also elaborated that if I was lucky enough I might even get some during the movie and then that would lead to me having sex with her until she couldn't stand or walked like a giraffe. Ya know, with her ass all in the air and bow legged.
(HAHA! That ones for you Charity. This part about Charity is complete fiction well except for the talkin on the phone.)
Anyways, been talking to Bren alot lately online. She's a really sweet girl sad to say from what she tells me her husband isnt exactly the swellest guy around, but what guy isnt bad? Well she recently had surgery on her nose to I guess fix a problem she has had with her sinuses for most of her life. Well she went through with the surgery and everything seemed fine and the doctors put her on some pain medication. Now it seems she may have to be admitted because something is causing her to throw up alot. Like few times a day. I really hope shes alright. I think her and I have become pretty close friends and I would hate to see something bad happen to a girl that sweet. I told her I wouldn't except anything but her being OK and I'd come beat her up if she wasn'. SO YOU HAD BETTER BE OK BREN! ;-) Well thats all for now guys. I'll try and post more frequently from now on.PAYCE!
::ninja vanish::