Be gone dull cage

Jun 11, 2015 11:40

  The thing has finally come. A weed amongst the grass, the surprise in the hat. Circus living does dry the wits into prunish spirals. Wherever you call down or around or home, becomes the place where you unfold into the backward origami placeholder of this moment in this life. Trying to discern the overall shape of the merely creased paper wad that once held all the promise of a swan or the grace of a rocketship. Casual nods becoming reasons to crease the paper differently all the sudden. Whistling out the form soon pressed into another flat angle simply floating down the river. Works and Jerks is the measure of majority which plays the value of a high water mark. Cresting the balance of the waveform into that new shape only partially envisioned thus far. In the face of all other perspective's visions the creature must beckon from the true heart of the owner. No point living another's life. Horrible sacrifice to your own.

Gloriousness aside the pleasure of navigating the life we can only sort of set out afront of us, is a deep and rewarding venture. Better men fall everyday in the huberis of their unseen fault lines

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