[News Today] - Cut-Offs, Texas, Fox News, and Gay Rights...

Jun 22, 2010 11:31

For those of you who are too busy to check the news, a quick update. No opinion - just 'facts'.

Articles from: MSNBC / Fox News / Newsweek / Huffington Post


Russia to cut off Belarus' gas supply:
"Russia on Monday cut natural gas supplies to ex-Soviet neighbor Belarus over what it claims is a debt of nearly $200 million for gas already provided...gradually cut gas supplies to Belarus by 85 percent..."

-MSNBC World News, [Read more here]...

Obama makes to extend family/medical leave to gays:
"The Labor Department intends to issue regulations this week ordering businesses to give gay employees equal treatment under a law permitting workers unpaid time off to care for newborns or loved ones..."

-MSNBC Political News, [Read more here]...

Arizona...Not crazy, but not right:
"Some accuse lawmakers and the 70 percent of Arizonans who support the bill of acting like Nazis, or of turning Arizona into an apartheid state. But spend some time in Arizona, and you may come to see why so many Arizonans want this...One man who lived next to a “drop house” for Mexican workers slept with two guns under his bed, his children not allowed to play in the backyard. The sound of gunshots was not uncommon..."

-MSNBC Political News, [Read more here]...

Conservatives all for Fox...or not?:
"GOP Sen. Tom Coburn scored a perfect 100 on the American Conservative Union's rankings for lawmakers last year. That makes him one of the last people you'd expect to criticize what liberals see as the GOP's most notable media mouthpiece, Fox News, but that's exactly what he did at a recent town-hall meeting in Oklahoma...Coburn's calling out of Fox was notable precisely because it's rare for Fox and Republicans to find their messages out of sync...some conservatives are asking whether the news channel has become too extreme..."

-MSNBC Political News, [Read more here]...

Texas GOP platform: make gay marriage, pornography, strip clubs criminal:
"Texas Republicans recently unveiled a policy platform that includes a statement of support for legislation that would make it a felony to issue a marriage license to same-sex couples as well as for an official to perform a marriage ceremony for gay partners wishing to wed..."

-Huffington Post News, [Read more here]...

The science behind Marijuana:
"The debate over medical marijuana started in earnest 14 years ago, when Californians passed Proposition 215. That allowed people with a doctor's recommendation to possess and grow marijuana for personal medical use...Doctors generally agree pot therapy works for some conditions but the disagreement comes over its availability and abuse."

-Fox News, [Read more here]...

buzz: politics, buzz: news today

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