WTF-LOL, emotions

May 23, 2010 19:51

Personal Level: Feeling great! Awesome! Tired! Happy! Excited! I'm taking exams this week, went out for Chinese today and the beach yesterday (with family), and I'm going to start art school in July (the 12th). ^^

World Level: WTF, US Government?! Your response was meek and pathetic for the oil-spill crisis. Obama, STOP the drilling. GOP, shut the Hell up, this is not "a small incident", you retarded, sore-loser shit-brains (I'm sorry, Republican watchers, but I've had it). Dems, stop pussy-footing around and get on Obama's ass for immigration reform and clean-energy solutions, already!!! DO YOUR FREAKING JOBS, OR I'M SIMPLY NOT VOTING FOR YOUR FELLOW DEMS, THE UP-COMING TERM.

As for Mexico President Calderon: I understand, completely. I agree that Arizona's policy seems much more racist than reform, and I do believe it is a petty start at something our government has more or less tried to sweep under the carpet. This SB-1070 is a disgrace; messy, nasty, pitiful, shameful, and stomach-turning.


You/Mexico has no right to talk down to us about it--or lecture, or scold, or shake your head at our ignorance towardshandling immigrants. From what I've heard--and the stories are plentiful--YOU ARE WORSE WITH YOURS. Those poor Guatemalan travelers go through LIVING HELL to reach America--THROUGH YOUR COUNTRY. Exploitation, rape, dehydration, stealing, violence, murder...and some of them never even make it to the damn border.

You can be angry with Arizona...But you'd best keep your mouth ZIPPED, far as I'm concerned. I don't take my own country's hypocrisy well-enough, as it is. You think I'll take YOURS?

Anyway, that's that. Boy. How can one be so happy and yet so frustrated?

*Cuddles Wufei chibi*

wtf, stfu, buzz: personal wankery, buzz: american idiots, politics: america/usa

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