[APH] STATE-TAN-SAN - Alaska-tan

Mar 19, 2010 19:05

-->ON DA<--

My own depiction that I've had in my notebook for a while. <33

Nation: Alaska / Аляска / Alyeska (originally Russia-America)
Name: Alexander / Aleksandr Vitus Jones-Braginski
Capital: Juneau
Age: Appears 17 (actually 265 years old; of his age, he has lived only 51 with America)

Little "Alyeska" is a quiet, humble state who likes ice-fishing, pink salmon, sled-dog racing, making ice-art, and drinking alcohol (just like papa XD). He has been passed back and forth between Ivan and Alfred since 1884, and was officially moved with Alfred in 1959. He can be a little slow, at times, but otherwise he is great help in oil imports and is very simple-minded and kind.

Unfortunately, he lacks a lot of confidence and is painfully shy about things. He is a self-harmer because of this.


-Alaska's little hair atop his head is the Alaskan Peninsula
-His middle name, Vitus, is from Vitus Bering, who led a Russian-navy expedition that discovered Alaska in 1741.
- A lot of people like to make Alaska born in 1959, when Russia officially sold little Alaska to America (technically, America had part-time control since 1884, it just wasn't official). But Russia discovered little Alaska in 1741. Alaska wasn't an actual settlement (read: NOT A COLONY) until 1784, hence his age.
-Alcohol is a serious problem in Alaska. Because of this, Alaska also has high domestic abuse. Poor Аляска~!


fandom: axis powers hetalia, state-tan: alaska, state-tan-san, fanart

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