Artsy Interview

Aug 20, 2009 21:23

◆Your name?

◆If possible, your age?
I'm 17.

◆When did you start drawing?
Around elementary school...Mostly stick figures. Then anime, when Poke'mon came around.

◆Which hand do you use for drawing?

◆Which is easier to draw - male or female?
Depends...sometimes it's one or the other, depending on what I'm drawing with, what I'm trying to draw, and/or if it's just not a good day for inspiration.

◆Which is easier to draw - long hair or short hair?
Neither. But I have trouble with NOT drawing hair around the ears. It's like my signature.

◆Is it easier to draw the head facing towards the right or the left?
Neither, really. Though, I favor the left.

◆Is it easier to draw the side view of the face or the front view?
Front, definitely. DAMN NOSES and CHINS.

◆What problems do you have in drawing?
Eye varieties, same hair styles, body differences...Most of my characters are skinny, tall teens with little muscle definition. And I can't draw adults. ;_; I also suck at choosing out colors, and my costume-designs are getting less-fanatical.

◆What do you like to draw?
Fanart. Pretty boys. Funky characters with angry/surprised faces. I wish I had a greater variety. :(

◆Are you a traditional artist or a digital artist?
Both. Though, my photoshop kind of sucks...I'm pining for CS4.

◆Where do you start drawing from?
Head. I draw a circle, make the X, then go to the chin, the ears, the neck, shoulders...All in that order. I usually don't get to the feet. ;_;

◆What is your drawing habit that you are aware of?
I procrastinate on requests projects . >> And most of my characters are generically the same. D:

◆Any tips for coloring/shading?
I like to draw a light-bulb in the place that I want the light to come from...It creates a 3D image in my head and I can figure logically where the shadows should be...But that's just me.

◆How long does it take to finish a piece of art?
Depends on my mood/inspiration. Sometimes I get lost in the middle - or before I even begin. It can take me a month (or more) to get back into it. ;_;

◆What music do you listen to while you draw?
Pfffffft. I can't name all that. I just click shuffle (iPod or comp) and go, baby!

◆How long does it take you to come up with an idea?
...See, now here's the thing. No time. In fact, I have TOO MUCH ideas. They climb over each other like ants in an ant hole. I have a hard time picking out certain bits and, therefore, I have yet been able to render a clear, fully thought-out plot...On anything. There's just so much I want to do. D:

◆Your favorite drawing utensils?
Drafting pencil. <3 I'm practically crippled without it (figurative).

◆Your favorite color/the color that you use a lot?
Red. And black. Blue, too.

◆Your favorite style(s)?
Fffff...Avatar: The Last Airbender...Teen Titans crew (I've noticed that my character anatomy is very similar)...And much too many more to name. ^^;

◆What kind of artist are you aiming for?
Comic artist. <3 Maybe it'll get animated...Who knows?


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