Feet march relentlessly each long day
No ear can listen to pain’s rude cry
Make waves and footprints across Earth’s face
Gain more to measure and count less loss
You judges, juries, and executioners
You vermin, lower than sperm in genitals
You fear and scare the innocent
Force offers no encouragement
Kings and their pawns fail to fathom the mind of
lizamanynames Sociotypes grow by quoting their memotypes with smiles and charms
How is a vast void of geolocations now a great divide?
Access denied, now a clickable window fails to intercede
Maybe there was hope to save some redemption
Now you are cold, frozen, strict intervention
Open your yes-hole and let passion enter
Open yourself; live the real, true adventure
Each solution is just someone else’s problem in disguise
Have convenience; let nameless humans wander in a maze
Take the breath of your life; just observe whatever has transpired
Let the fireworks explode over jurisdictions of the dead
Gee, thanks a lot for a few stale crumbs
Gee, thanks for moments when each door slams
Fxxk shxt, get out of my life-long way
Feet march relentlessly each long day