Its been awhile since I posted here, hasn't it? Periodically I go to LJ to write an entry and then stop and think "wait, but nothings happened!" And before you mention, writing about how nothing is happening sounds too typical. I mean, may as while post emo poetry or somecrap.
Well, actually, I have been posting a fair amount in recent days, but its been on my independent study log account (Joe suggested it)
aifwt . Check it out, if you want to read rants and speculation about random AI and AL articles. But seriously, thats worse than MOTD. :D
Uhh... Other geekiness: I've been watching a bit of Doctor Who recently, so that I can carry on conversations with Kelly. Now, since I'm a guy, I think the sexiest thing on the show is, by a considerable margin, the Sonic Screwdriver *. I mean, seriously- the fancy gadget that the tech-savvy hero (or hero-enabling sidekick, or redshirt) whips out to make technology do what they want- or just about anything else- is always pretty sexy, but the doctor's screwdriver is particularly fine. So, the scientist, geek, and wannabe-adventurer that I am, I was up late last night trying to figure out some possible device that could, at least to some extent, replicate the power and sheer versatility (and, ideally, awesomeness) of said device; best I came up with was a combination USP (ultrashort pulse) laser and a saser (which is sort of like a laser, but with sound), both of high enough power to do damage and with some sort of microrobotic computer control to do intricate things like targeting just the right part of a lock to jam it. Pretty intense for a handheld (particularly considering that present-day USP lasers are tabletop-sized devices and room-temperature sasers are weak), and would probably eat the crap out of batteries.
* Yah, yah, I know what you're thinking; but while the TARDIS is awesome it loses something in the sexy department for having an interior that looks like an alien stomach. ...Eh? Oh. No, no, neither Rose nor Donna are anything like my type, why do you ask?