We're not the kids that we once were/We can't be the adults we want to be

Jul 21, 2006 19:24

Stabbing backwards. The phrase that is running through my mind on repeat. Why? Don't ask me. Ask someone who knows.

Why do I feel the most satisfied in the middle of a crowd dancing my soul away to Cursive? Why do they have to have this amazing power over me to take me and mold me to the distorted shapes of their sound? I live for the brief minutes I am in their music and my heart flutters every time they take stage. Why are they my absolute perfect 11?

I wish I had the ability to draw. Well not ability but more of talent. I've had so many images racing through my mind all raging to reach the page. But my incapability of clearly transferring images has halted all production of pictures. So I sit, images on permanent scroll in my mind. If only the color and beauty could spew from my fingers...
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