Dec 19, 2007 22:49
Jesus Christ, I'm having another existentialist crisis.
The other day I randomly asked Scott if he wanted to start up a djjing business with me and he politely said no and I bet he would have rolled his eyes, too.
And just now I've decided that perhaps I should start up English tutoring for high school kids like I was going to so many years ago when I was in this same money-less position.
I have also just decided against English tutoring. I'm glad you could be here with me for that.
I think I might just get over myself and do a small business course at Tafe just like Kath Day and see what happens there, eh. I might start up a small business. Who. Knows.
I totally should know.
Why, oh, why do I not know?
Screw houses. I needs a career.
PS Camille told me that the reason they closed the Joondalup train line yesterday was because some guy jumped off the bridge and onto a passing train... JUST BEFORE PEAK HOUR!!!!
I don't fucking care if he was your brother/cousin/lover/mate... What a fucking douchebag and I hope that after all that, he actually did die. Because if he didn't...
He wouldn't want to be showing his face around Perth for a while.
... Actually. I'm sure that no one would survive anything like that soooo... so.
People who feel the need to include thousands of strangers in their suicide are even more selfish than the people who don't include thousands of strangers in their suicide.
get over yourself and just
Get. Fucking. Help.
because it is there. You're just too stupid and selfish to realise.
Especially train guy.
PPS - The Michael Power just made me realise another important point which adds fuel to my train-line-suiciders-are-stupid-and-selfish claim. Nearly all train line suicide attempts occur on the middle of the Joondalup train line. Spoiled suburban brats, ahoy?