Wow haven't posted in a while

Mar 22, 2007 08:59

Couldn't interrupt the hiatus with something meaningful, obviously. Stolen from daniel and felisia.

Your Name: Jared
Famous Musical Artist/Group: Dream Theater
Three-Letter Word: Doh!
Color: Black, i guess (but I'm not emo, I promise)
Gifts/Present: CDs
Vehicle: Dad's car...
TV Show: HEROES!!! And South Park and the Simpsons and the Daily Show and...uh...
Country: Terrible type of music.
Boy Name: Jason
Girl Name: Emily
Alcoholic Drink: I don't drink...
Occupation: Student...
Flower: Cheap ones that look nice :P
Celebrity: Jon Stewart
Food: Shrimp on the Barbie
Something Found in a Kitchen: Food!
Reason for Being Late: Watching the latest episode of Heroes...
Something You Shout: "Aw, Balls!"
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