May 01, 2009 11:20
My letter to my Rep. what a waste of money and time...
The Honorable Representative Joe Barton:
It has come to my attention that you are bringing up legislature regarding the NCAA BCS process. I find this choice of legislature interesting on many levels. While I agree the BCS system is rarely correct and that many schools get preferential treatment due to their legacies (I am a Buckeye fan), as I’m sure you find the same in your own line of work. I would think in these times our representatives would have more pressing matters to concern themselves with than whether the Longhorns were robbed of a National Championship Title Game. We are in the middle of two wars, a devastating recession, and a probable pandemic, and my representative to the House is discussing football.
Let me say it was beyond disturbing when government got involved with baseball and the steroid issue. I was under the impression Republicans favored less government, but I find you trying to get involved in something that has little to nothing to do with government or real benefit of the American people. While I agree steroid users are cheaters, I think the MLB needs to regulate that, and whether they do or not is up to them. They should choose the right way for the game to be played. It is disgusting that tax dollars are used in this frivolous manner when we have a record deficit and require that spending for something more worthwhile.
The same goes for the NCAA. They are reluctant to change their minds on the issue. I suggest you do the same as I have and write a letter. After all, we are told since we are children it will make all the difference in the world. I am not naïve enough to truly believe this, but am hopeful you choose to spend my tax dollars in more fruitful and useful ways in the future. I’m sure you can talk football on your own time.