Mar 18, 2008 18:35
I haven't been doing a lot the past few days, just the general work, etc. I went shopping with Sandra one day, which was pretty nice. I finally got my promotion and raise "officially," as it registers on my paystubs now. I do have a couple of big things to post about, though.
The bad: This part seems like it would be good, because I finally talked to Josh. We hadn't talked since Christmas because he's poor and has no phone line, let alone internet, in the house, and he works 60 hour weeks so it's hard to call him. It turned bad because his grandfather is selling his house. This may not seem like something that should affect me but once you take into account that for 3 years (well, a full year, then really sporadically because we had a huge fight, then another full year) this place was more of a home to me than my own house. I spent more time there than my own house, anyway, and honestly I think the only building I could have spent more time in during the period was the Art Dungeon. I started sophomore year by driving straight to that house after going to Legends one night so Josh could help me move into Umstead the next morning. When I had TTh morning classes at Brewster (sophomore and senior years), I slept there. When I had Theatre directly across the street, I walked over to play with Kimyo (his first kitten) before heading to Metals. When Alena was an insufferable skank, I fled there. When David was in Iraq and I couldn't handle being alone, I forced myself to tolerate Jennifer and Sherwood just to be there. When I was in Photography, nearly every one of my indoor projects were taken there. My favorite piece I did at the time was a composite of the front of the house, which is currently sitting in my closet at my parents' so I can't even look at it. Not being there during our fight (junior year) was awful. When the showers refused to function properly in Fleming, I just showered there. My stuff even had a place in the shower. How many dinners did I eat there? My graduation party was held there. My family convened there before graduation itself. My car had its own special spot in the yard. I carried keys to the place. And what I've just described only scratches the surface. When he told me I was like, "Oh, that's bad," and it didn't really hit me until later and I started crying. Hell, I'm starting to cry now. And no one here could understand, so I haven't bothered talking about it. I feel like I've lost a safe place, something I thought would always be there and where I'd always be welcome. It's almost as bad as when I thought my parents' house may be foreclosed on, though of course not nearly so bad because I'm sure Josh and Mike (his badass Viking cousin) could easily find a new place to live, whereas my family would be completely screwed. Although, where Josh is headed (his mother's) should probably be condemned right now so that's pretty bad. I guess you get the point by now, so I will stop. Well, wait, if you have $250,000 and a desire to live in a historical home in downtown Greenville NC, let me know and I will point it out to you, then help you renovate and decorate and you can let me visit whenever I want. And I can also recommend you rent to Josh and Mike to help cover your mortgage so they don't have to move. Point of interest: he did not mention whether he'd been to a dentist or not. I did not ask.
The good ABSOLUTELY FREAKING AWESOME: WE SAW THE CURE. Last Sunday (the 16th) we drove three hours to Oberhausen and saw them. It ENTIRELY sold out. There were NO free seats in the entire place. By the time we got our tickets, all that were left were extreme-nosebleed seats. We were seriously in the very last row of the entire stadium. BUT IT DIDN'T MATTER. IT WAS THE CURE. My very favorite part was when he drew out the note on "rain" in "Prayers for Rain." It lasted an entire minute, seriously. He does it in all the concert footage I've seen and it was honestly much, much, much more impressive in person. Like, on the "Trilogy" DVD his voice sort of cracks a bit, and this time he held it so was just beautiful. And as an added bonus, either the Germans allow cameras or the restriction isn't as strong because not only could I see all the little glowing screens in the audience, I smuggled mine in also. Well, I guess it wasn't really smuggled if they allowed it. But you get the point. I so wish I'd gotten footage of "Prayers for Rain" but it was the second song and a) I was unfamiliar with the workings of the camera and b) I was so utterly entranced with how good the show was and the fact that I couldn't believe I was really there to remember to capture it on film immediately. They also played THREE ENCORES. NO ONE plays three encores! They came back out and Robert said something to the effect of "Well, you know, quiet people don't often get what they want, but if you're willing to be this loud to get it, you deserve what you're asking for!" I cannot describe to you how awesome it was. It ranks as the best concert I have ever been to, without question. Tying for second are the first Cure concert I went to (Bloodflowers Tour, 2000), and the Tool concert (I don't think it was even for an album, but it was 2002). I kept telling David that this concert made the APC concert we saw in 2004 or 2005 look like a bunch of amateurs. So again, IT WAS AWESOME. Despite the remote nature of the seats, I got some decent pictures and some great video, but I'm having trouble getting it online. Most of it is too large to upload, and that which I managed to upload for some reason won't play the audio portion. You can check Photobucket to look at it, but you'll be disappointed since you can't hear it. I'll update when I get it to work. In the meantime, here is the playlist. Those starred(*) have footage:
1 - Plainsong
2 - Prayers for Rain - again, EPIC
3 - Strange Day
4 - Alt.End
5 - A Night Like This*
6 - The End Of The World
7 - Lovesong
8 - Pictures Of You*
9 - Lullaby*
10 - From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea*
11 - Figurehead* - AWESOME
12 - Kyoto Song
13 - What You Do To My Heart (this is new so I don't know if this is really the name or not)
14 - Push*
15 - Inbetween Days*
16 - Just Like Heaven*
17 - Primary*
18 - A Boy I Never Knew (another new one)
19 - Never Enough*
20 - Wrong Number*
21 - Strike Me Dead
22 - 100 Years
23 - Disintegration - THIS WAS INTENSE and I have video of the entire thing.
Encore 1
24 - At Night*
25 - M*
26 - Play For Today*
27 - A Forest - I also have video of this entire song.
Encore 2
28 - Friday I'm In Love*
29 - (New, I have no idea what it's called)
30 - Close To Me*
31 - Why Can't I Be You?* - This video includes a ridiculous dance by Robert
Encore 3
32 - Boys Don't Cry*
33 - Jumping Someone Else's Train*
34 - Grinding Halt*
35 - 10:15 Saturday Night* - only a snippet, as memory was running out
36 - Killing An Arab* - This he changed to Killing AnOTHER, but I have no footage of that specifically because I was frantically deleting stuff to make room and missed it, AND ran out of room anyway.
So there you go. This is long enough, so I will end for now. I should probably go hang out with David anyway. Perhaps a more day-by-day update, or a more personal-issues-related update will happen sometime soon. Maybe not though, I don't feel like doing much of anything these days. You can tell I'm avoiding those issues, though, I'm sure. Oh, that "to-do" list? Not even worth posting what's been done, it's been ignored so heartily. But we'll see about it next time.