Mar 22, 2004 20:50

there's so much i wanna say... so much i wanna tell much i wanna write down but i cant seem to find any appropriate word to fully describe my gratitude to Him and His mercy.. my mouth and my heart kept repeating these words "thank you", "thank you", "thank you", "thank you", "thank you" through the weekend and even now........ THANK YOU JESUS!!!! :.)

THANK YOU for Your pardon;
THANK YOU for Your sacrifice;
THANK YOU for helping me to forgive;
THANK YOU for listening to my desperate prayers for the girls;
THANK YOU for blowing their minds about YOU;
THANK YOU for their love for one another;
THANK YOU for showing me that i'm just but an instrument, the power comes from YOU;
THANK YOU for visiting my dear friends and darling so strongly;
THANK YOU for making Ms Tan cry so hard;
THANK YOU for setting me free from my pain;
THANK YOU for healing my wounds;
THANK YOU for making me jump so hard;
THANK YOU for your compassion and passion in every guide;
THANK YOU for my girls' love for me;
THANK YOU for healing my girls;
THANK YOU for the new gift of the HOLY SPIRIT in ALL my girls;
THANK YOU for the gift of tongues for ah li, ah ying and GRROOria;
THANK YOU for the gift of HOLY LAUGHTER for Ah li and ah ying;
THANK YOU for the new faith and passion in my girls;
THANK YOU for showing ah li that YOU ARE REAL!!!!!;
THANK YOU for breaking melissa's hardened heart;
THANK YOU for the new friendships;
THANK YOU for the bonding among the girls;
THANK YOU for healing ah si;
......and there's so much more.. so much more....

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