Jul 11, 2005 08:59
There was so much drama at work yesterday that if I were to sit here and type it all out, you'd get bored after the first sentence. What I will say is that 1 person was fired, 2 people quit, and 1 person ALMOST got fired but we didn't have enough grounds to from the situtation that occured. Sheesh!
Today might not be better, and it's supposed to be 90+ degrees outside. Gag me.
"Go on and holler, I love the drama! I love the coasters in the sun!" -my rendition of the jingle.
LBJs was fun! Me, Megan, Annie, Erica, Dustin, Scott, Jeremy, Nick. Yeah we had quite the table goin -surprised that the guys came! I saw Ted =)=) and talked a bit and felt horrible when I couldn't find him to say bye before we left. I tried calling the Jug numerous times, but no one answered. Boo. Ah, well, I guess it means I get to call him on my break today =)=) which I don't mind doing at all!
-k- I'm gonna go finish getting ready for this possible hell day.