
Nov 15, 2004 20:50

Well on Sunday I got most of my christmas shopping done, which I am happy about. Deryk got me my christmas present, it is being sized right now, so I will be getting it this weekend. It is a really nice ring! It is a diamond ring, it looks like an engagement ring, but it is not, it is another promise ring, I love it! I got Deryk done, my brother Derek, my mother, father, Deryk's sister & husband. The only people that I need to get done is my roommate, and Deryk's mother and her boyfriend. Those two are going to be the hardest! I found this really great shirt for my roommate, it has a bunch of your mom jokes on it, and thought it would be prefect for her, i just need to go back and get it, hopefully this weekend.

This weekend went by too fast, then again this semester has gone by really fast! Time is flying by too fast! I am ready to be done with this semester, and ready for a break. My birthday is in 3 months and 6 days, and I will be 22. Wow I am getting old, I won't get out of school until I am about 24 or 25. Which is really going to suck, but I am going to be glad when it is all done and over with. Only a couple more years of suffering through classes and homework, and then I can move out of this stupid state with my boyfriend. He is so good to me! He is my baby, he calls me his sugarmama, because he says that I will be making more money than he will after I get out of school, but if his boss gives him the Champion business he will be my sugardaddy, and be making a lot more money than I will be. I am so happy for him! He finally found a boss that appreciates his hard work and dedication to his job. He works so many hours a week it is not funny, but it is going to pay off in the long run. I mean his boss went out and got him a 3/4 ton Cheyanne, 1993. Just the other day his boss gave him a 2000 1 ton ford f-350, it is freaken huge! It is a really nice truck, it is registered under Deryk's name, and he is the co-signer of the truck. His boss is paying for the truck, but yet it is his daily driver for when he plows this winter. Well I should get going and get ready for bed.
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