The short version

Mar 14, 2011 16:39

Because Livejournal so greedily ate the post I'd spent 20 minutes typing up, and I don't feel like redoing the whole thing, this is a short version.

I'm doing a mini version of the 101 in 1001 project I'd started and dropped a few years ago (check my memories for more info). 35 in 365.

Related goals: improving wax carving/design/ability to draw/learn to draw dragons.
That brings me to what I *wanted* to talk about today; I decided to do a '30 days of drawing dragons' (at least 30 minutes a day for a month). I started that today and considering that (no pun intended) my drawing skills are sketchy at best, I'm pleased with today's results.

Site with tutorial I worked with today is here.

Goals for 2011

This is a list of things I want to accomplish during 2011; a one year list of items that can be done as part of the 101 in 1001 project, which has been sitting idle and needs to be dusted off and revisited.

Any 30-35 of the following (list should have 55-65+ options): One every 10-12 days should be completed on average

Travel and Transportation (7)
Get the Honda back on the road
Fix driver's license
Possible cross country trip (visit? Renee, Dale, Sue, Suzanne, Marsia, Karen, Nancy?)
Faires: CT, MD, TX, PA
Steampunk Worlds Faire? May 20-22, 2011
Check out the pagan store in Carmel
Check out the stone place in CT
Trip(s) to DC/Smithsonian/zoo

Diet/Fitness/Health/Beauty (10)
Restart the Couch to 10K program and complete it
Get a mammagram
Get a professional pedicure
Get hair trimmed
Polish nails and keep them neat/polished for at least 6 consecutive weeks.
Get weight back down at least to 140
Get weight back down to at least 130
One day rock climbing class
Scuba classes/certification
Join a gym
Spend at least 80 hours at that gym (or 3 hours a week for the duration of membership)

Crafty Stuff (10)
Learn basic wax carving (14 session class begins Feb 2) (In progress)
Create and finish 14 designs in wax by the end of the course (about one a week)
Learn to draw 10 things mechanically, using your dividers. (2/10 done)
Make molds for at least three designs.
Have at least one piece cast (any metal).

Get some sort of portable mp3 player to use while working out; ideally it should be able to connect to the car stereo system
Learn to use the music function on the Nook
Get studio space for silversmithing work
Reserve business name and website domain (even if tax issue isn't yet settled)
Get a logo done (camera ready artwork) for 5CE
Make a scroll holder (for faire program/map)
Make gear-pentagram necklace and earring set for Steampunk outfit
Make at least 150 sale-ready (ready to be carded) pieces of jewelry. (Any type.)

Buy Stuff/Get Organized (6)
Get a new printer. Get rid of the old ones!
Review storage compartment items. Look for crafts books, other MIA stuff.

Buy "How to draw dragons" and work on it.
Buy book of Celtic designs for designing with?
Buy the Celtic Knotwork software/package

Buy a new bathing suit.

Social (2)
Plan outings! You have a calendar, use it!
See if you can get something going with B. (business/work) that will be beneficial to both of you.

Complete outline for book
Write book
Edit book
Publish book....

Personal Growth/Education (3)
Learn web programming
Learn computer graphics program
Teach a (one day) class at the center

Art, etc.(6)
Learn to play your new Pan pipes FTw; at least some short basic tune
Brush up on Spanish, and/or learn German
Take a VU course on writing
Spend at least 40 hours working on improving your drawing skills. (ongoing)
Do "30 days of dragons" - 30 days spent learning to draw dragons and their parts. Date and save the sketches.
Get the banjo fixed
Learn to tune/play basic stuff on the banjo. Local lessons?

Completed Items

1)Buy "The Way of Four" and read it (Ordered 1/24, rc'd 1/28) DONE 3/2
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