It's always amazing how fast time flies when you are and are not having fun. I only have 3 days of classes left before finals and it feels like I just started the semester last week. I'm a little nervous about Unix Tools and Structure of Programming Languages (sounds fun, doesn't it?) because I didn't do so hot on my first test in these classes.
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It is always really sad when people move away, and that will be happening a lot now that we are all getting older and ready to graduate from collage. The best we can do is try to hold on to the people that matter most to us. I know that no matter what, or how far away they or I move that I'll always be friends with some people like Jessica Rinaldo and Sarah. If you are sad about losing people then you just have to work harder to keep in touch with them. Things like calling them or writing letters and visiting. Good friends are worth working for.
I wish I could get a brand new computer, this stupid thing is of no use to me anymore now that all my stuff is gone. it'll be better when I get my stuff back but I think after I graduate I'll work toward getting a new one in Japan.
We should go on a camping trip this year, it'll be fun. Everyone should come, that'd be good. We didn't get to go last year, so we should this year.
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