I hate going to the vet so much, my family has asked
the lady who I would probably like if she wasn't a vet
to come by and see me in an hour or so. So my catfriend
Reggie the Balinista is gonna steal Mom's password and
put this message from me in her journal, for Mom to see
my last words whenever she misses me in the future.
So, What Is Mom Like?
by Stojko, age 11
Quite often, Mom tasted like salt. Once in a great while,
Mom tasted like chicken. And it was also wonderful whenever
Mom tasted like vitamin supplement. She even went on safari
a couple months ago to replace the kind they don't make anymore,
and she found another one I would lick right from her fingers.
I gave her a big meow-up for that one.
Most recently, Mom has been tasting of prednisone (which is
not much fun), essiac tonic (which is even less fun), and
tuna water or chicken broth (which are still pretty awesome).
But anyway guys, I have to go real soon. One of the tumors
is now clearly visible on my left side, I'm not able to walk
anymore, and I'm running out of energy for this life. Mostly
I've been sleeping (but keeping half an eye open on the Mom)
and dreaming of the fun stuff I'm going to do in my next life,
like going upstairs or rolling around in nice warm sunshine.
However, I want to tell Mom every time she petted or held me,
she always smelled like love. That was the best part of Mom.
Even better than tasting like tuna or chicken.
I just hope that I smelled like love in return. Because it was.
Thanks and final headbutts to all Mom's friends,
(pronouned "STOY-koh", aka Super Stojk, the Eternal Kitten)