The loaner lap-top is not doing well.
In fact, it's now just dead weight.
I went to turn it on last night:
Internal hard disk drive not found.
To resolve this issue, try to reseat the drive.
There are two screws underneath to release the hard drive. It slips out easily. I removed it, put it back, screwed it down, and the same error came up. I repeated it twice more in case I had somehow inserted the hard drive wrong.
There was more to the message:
No bootable devices--strike F1 to retry boot, F2 for setup utility,
Press F5 to run onboard diagnostics.
I pressed F1 (very much wanted to strike it, but I didn't). It just repeated the messages. F2 could not find a hard drive. Finally, I tried F5. It began like this:
Error code 0141
Msg: Error Code 2000-0141
There was much more, but I won't bore you with the details. I contacted the IT department and they said that the hard drive was dead and needed replacing. They're talking about shipping me another one. I don't know if that's a good idea or not. My main concern is carrying around two laptops rather than one. I'll worry about it later. Lunchtime now and I'm hungry!