New Merlin vid

Sep 27, 2010 23:16

Y'all, I think my vidding fu might be broken, or at least my storytelling ability.  So, I decided to do a quickie crack!vid with absolutely no plot whatsoever.  Just some of our favorite scenes of the hotass that is Bradley James aka Arthur from Merlin. My partner in crime lillaw and I had so much fun making this thing and I dare each of you to watch it and not grin like an idiot.  This song has been done before but I didn't really care, it just sort of screamed it needed to be done again.  Hope you guys enjoy.  I know I did.  Thank you again, bb.  This was so much fun squeeing with you.  I also wanted to say thank you to fotw_sv  for being my trusty beta, yet again.

I made a couple of pretties from my favorite scenes this past week.  Oh God.  Didn't Clark look freakin' awesome?  He looked huge to me and I am seriously wanting that shirt to come off.  So, I came up with the next best thing which is wet!Clark.  Stick that chest out Clark, and yes, I did notice how huge you were.  Um, also?  Thighs. And tight fittin' pants.  Gah.

That one is for you, Idgy. ♥

Tell me, flist.  How many were disappointed in the storyline from the Smallville premiere?  Tom looked hot as hell, I thought, but clone!Lex?  OMG ... Just NO.

ETA:  I finally haz a car ppl.  Got it Saturday.  Zoom Zoom.

So very sorry to my flisters who had not seen either episode and here I go plopping up gifs outside of the cut.  :\  I should also warn you that this vid contains spoilers from episodes 1, 2, and 3 for season 3.  I don't know what's wrong with my head, y'all.  Blame it on this headache from hell that absolutely will not go away. 

hot boys, clark, merlin, gifs

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