Rather than write a bunch of the same replies over and over again, I figure I can address the question of updates to my fics here.
1) I am planning on updating both Educating Justin and Vanishing Act simultaneously.
2) Turbulence is on hiatus - until July sometime. I hit a dry spell and spent a month in re-writes in April. Believe me, no fic is better than bad!fic (although
lucie-inthesky seems to have an opinion on that one).
3) I have a real life -- it is June, which means it's Wedding season. One wedding this week, two next, three the following week. While I can map out the scenes in my head while mixing batter and icing cakes, it's hard to type when your fingers are full of butter and sugar (and it's hell on my powerbook). Needless to say, I may not be able to write at the rate I think or post at the rapid rate requested.
4) I now have two wonderful betas (nods at
faramir-boromir and
flamencanyc) and they have a real lives as well. Please be patient, the final product under their watchful eyes is far better than me posting without their expert advice.
5) FYI, thanks to
potentiial story indexes for all of what I've written thus far can be found at the below links:
A Rubber Story (
qaf_anon entry) - Completed
Commuter Flight Stories - Completed
Educating Justin - WIP
Tubulence - Incomplete, on hiatus
Vanishing Act - WIP
Questions? Please post a comment and I'll be happy to answer.