Life to this point

Oct 18, 2008 19:59

Alot has changed, way alot. I actualy did know I would lose most of my friends when Kt left me. I told her that before. So yeah it happened. It hurts to know that the people I thought loved me had no problems turning their backs at the first chance given. But thats water right?
I havent been doing much but working and hanging with Jenn. For the ones who know Jenn I guess shes my g/f. I say I guess because we havent said we are committed but we have hinted we arnt seeing anyone else. I am totaly falling for her. Shes smart, artisting, super hot, quirky in a good way. She did help me make the desision to get my nip pierced. Went out dropped 40, stuck a needle through me while little gay boys watched then went home. Well Jenns house. I havent slept at my apt in 2 months its basicly become a very expensive storage shed.
Works been bad, way to many hours. 50 last week, possibly 55 this week. I defanitly am feeling it.
Lost alot of weight, neil always mentions it. My leather jacket fits again. My bondage pants all fit right. Now I just need new work pants. Other then that just cruising. Trying to get things fixed as fast as possible. Trying to find my new way.
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