A day in the life of Six.

Jun 21, 2008 21:45

This friday is a good example of a fun full day.

It started a little earlier then I would like. I would have liked to have slept in till 10ish but I was up at 7:30, tired I crawled into the shower. After the shower (where I do tend to sing alot) I went to my computer to put a folder together of song files for AcidicA practice that night. (more on that later).

Imed a couple friends, Justin in particuler to set up a base of operations in town. Heading into town, dropped KT off at work and headed to justins. Got to justins, hung out for a bit talking about his new love life and movies comming out. Justin showers, I pwn his myspace. I dont know how much of the damage he has discovered.

After shower we head out to get him a new phone. Then we get gas for my car. Blues brothers quotes start here. We qoute alot of movies. Kevin Smith and Mel Brooks films being favorites. We deside that the mall shall be our destination.

We check times for Kung Fu panda then head into the mall to get food. We dont tend to like the same things. He likes asian alot more then I do. I tend to find asian food to sweet and kinda chincy. I get fish tacos. I regret this pretty quick. It was over priced and soggy. Its mall food so I dont have high expectations. Then to the game store.

Theres certain shops we are bound to hit, the game shop is one of them. Video games not board games. Hot topic and Harry and David are other two we go to regulerly. After game shop we head across to other game shop. Board not video.

Justin makes Aquateen refrence I dont get then makes jokes about me ruining his jokes. He calls me a geek cause I look at D and D books. I remind him I had sex more then 15 years before he did. I have had sex with more women then hes probably had physical contact with in any way shape or form. He reminds me I am still looking at D and D books...Stale mate.

Then to harry and david for quick pass through, candy grab. Nothing of interest there so we head to bookstore so I can get a pic of me holding some book with a vulger title for my phone. We instead get sidetracked by Lego store. New lego store at the mall. Awesomeness ensues as we look at all the models. They have a wall of legos you can bulk buy in cups. Fucking sweet.

Next we head to bookstore for reals. Find a book called...and I dont embelish

A Hand in the bush: The FINE art of vaginal fisting.

I take pic, next we take a pic of me making cheesy face while holding next to it a book called Extended Massive Orgasm.

We then head get candy. I buy a little over half a lb to snack on in theator. Justin makes comment how I cant bring it in. I tell him, sure I can. We have small debate about how they dont allow outside food, then i demenstrate something he didnt consider. I roll up bag, stick it in my pocket. Ninja candy!

More common ground is found with me and justin when i make Blazing saddles refrence no one ever gets...and he gets it.

Watch kung fu panda. Awesomenss in digital animal form. We both enjoy movie then head out. Its now late and I remember though i made a folder for the MP3s, i never actualy moved said folder to my thumb drive so i must drop justin off and head back home. Get home, play online then play xbox...online for a couple hours. Get files on thumbdrive and head back into town to band practice with Loki. Debating in my head if I wanted in and out burger, or KFC. Chicken wins. I watch cute asian couple in front of me admiring asian girls legs. Not because they were sexy but because her calve muscles where fucking huge and well defined. She must do soccer or other running sport, maybe gym. I do alot of people watching. I wear sunglassess so that I may do this with out seeming creepy. I get to Loki and Suriels house. Lokis not there yet. Chat with suriel then watch scrubs while I wait.

Loki arives, we eat and talk then head in to make music. We run through dissapoint and our cover and he gets them pretty fast. After 20 minutes or so of practice he lets me know hes been working on stuff on his own at night. Then we discuss Reliquary set. I grab my new song lyrics book I been dragging around with me and write down all the parts I am playing on all the songs on the set. Even the ones I know by heart. Just to catalog them incase I ever get hit in the head and forget.

We practice for about an hour. Then we deside what the fuck, lets drink some Absinte. We do it right to. Small tumbler, suger on spoon. Poor filtered water over suger, then mix. It keeps it from clouding and stays neon green. Loki poors me a little more then I wanted. I get pretty well tipsy. Probably the most intoxicated I have ever been. Luckily Kt was driving me home. At midnight we head out and I fall asleep in the car. I wake up at the traintracks a few blocks from our house. Apparently we had been sitting there a half hour waiting on an Amtrack to pass. I had been snoring. I get home and pass the fuck out.

Did you actualy read this shit?
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