Apr 18, 2012 13:18
Seems like there is plenty going on w/ the kiddoes, and I have way too few brain cells to remember it all. Some highlights:
* Yossi has been sleeping in our room pretty since he was born, but we are now in the process of transitioning him into CJ's room. We had figured we would do this eventually, but CJ asked if Yossi could start sleeping in his room. So we started a trial run 2 days ago. The first night was mostly awful (Yossi was not happy to be in a different place, while CJ got up several times but didn't freak out over his brother's screaming), the first day was awful (Yossi didn't want to nap in the new place and was therefore an exhausted crank monster by the evening), the second night was not so bad (whoa, did he really go to sleep that quickly?), and then today he actually napped for an hour and a half in CJ's room. So I am cautiously optimistic that this will work. We did try putting him in OS' room about 3 months ago, but that crashed and burned quickly. Hopefully now he is ready, and Walt and I can have our room back. I haven't been able to give the place a thorough cleaning in oh, about a year. (Yuck.)
* However, it seems clear that the transition will not be painless. CJ seems fine -- even pleased, which is in line with his recent expressions of desire to be a good big brother who teaches his little brother how to do things. Yossi, though, is cranky and clingy. Or, I should say, more so than he has been -- and he has been. He's cutting four teeth at once, and he's becoming far more agile/capable. (He's not ready to walk yet, but he's big enough that he can get into nearly everything, and he loves rifling around in drawers and cabinets.)
* One problem with our apartment is that CJ's room is small. It's actually a sunroom. So putting Yossi in there at night makes it seriously cramped. I'd like to have the boys swap rooms with OS, but she's freaked out at the prospect -- says it would be too scary b/c she loves her room so much. There is a possibility that we may be moving before the end of this year, which would resolve some of our space issues. But I hope it happens sooner rather than later. This place already feels crowded enough, and it drives me batty sometimes.
* I find myself feeling more ambivalent than I expected about the prospect of Yossi not sleeping in our room. Yes, it is good to have part of the floor freed up for stuff like, oh, walking around. And it is good not to have to tiptoe when I go to bed at night. But ... I miss my baby. I just find him so easy to love, even though he has plenty of moments of being a pain in the tuchus.