Fic: Remotely Soothing

May 13, 2005 01:08

Remotely Soothing

Author: Neth

Rating: PG

Summery: Thoughts can be dangerous things, especially when you have a certain gene.

Category: McKay/Sheppard

Disclaimer: I don’t Stargate Atlantis, its characters or well, anything. Except a few DVDs. Nor do I claim to.

Author’s Notes:  A lil’ while back I had to write a history essay and Sethoz had to read a book. Neither of us wanted to do these things. To improve motivation and to provide a light at the end of the tunnel we promised to write each other a fic after we finished. This one is for her. Thoz wanted McKay/Sheppard, and Rodney rescuing John from something. Thanks so much to Lilas for beta reading again. You are a life saver.


Outside the city walls was a tranquil sea waving at the sky above. The stars were shinning to anyone who cared to look and wonder at the stories hidden in their past. It was a mild night, not too cold and perfect for a late night picnic. It was peaceful, soothing, and just what one of the city’s occupants needed at that moment. Unfortunately, what he was going through wasn’t remotely soothing.


If they hadn’t been sleeping together, John very likely would have killed the other man on sight. He’d been asleep, catching up on the rare commodity after a particularly gruelling mission when the scientist had woken him  up. He’d woken to the excited, the  extremly excited, face of one Rodney McKay, PhD and pain in the ass. After being dragged to a part of the city he’d never stepped foot in before he’d only gained a small understanding of what was going on.

Rodney had found a new room that had been deemed safe, but was hoocked up to some kind of complicated technology. He should have guessed, what else could it have been?

“I’m trying, what did you think I was doing? Sun bathing?!”

“Just get on with it, I’m not going to last much longer here,” and with that John jumped to the side as something, something that looked suspicously bright, shot towards him.


The room wasn’t increadibly large but it wasn’t small either. Decorating the sides were the recognisable Ancient patterns that were, oddly, laid out in what looked vaguely like a grid of some kind.

“So what do you want me to do?”

“What do I normally want you to do?”

“Well Rodney, I’d be happy to demostrate but I don’t think this is the right place for that.” All he got for that comment was a glare and a hand wave telling him to get a move on.

So John did exactly what he was normally supposed to do in this type of situation, he thought.

He’d been here for some time now, and it seemed like eternity, dodging bolts of light that burned and various other obsticles. He couldn’t stay still for more than ten seconds before something else happened and he had to move again for fear of his life.

“How long is this going to take?”

“Not long, I’ve gotten through the first level of coding. This is very complex coding, similar to that in the…”



“I really don’t care.”

Two pairs of eyes met briefly across the space, both of them worried, before another bolt came, this time it looked like an old fashioned arrow.

Not long after getting back from their last mission and getting checked out by Carson, Bates had asked to see him about security protocals both on and off-world. Being tired beyond reason but recognising the need to get this over with, he agreed, and spent the entire meeting in some kind of fuzzy haze in which the world didn’t seem quite real. However, his mind had tried to make sense of what he was hearing and what was being said so he could reply like he knew he should. He’d even dreamt about the tactics he was supposed to have discussed.

And so when he thought, the first things that floated into his mind were tactical situations: planing, training, executing what would be needed.

And damn it to hell, that ATA gene had gone above and beyond in relaying that to the technology around him.

If it wasn’t for the fact that the gene was what got him to Atlantis in the first place, the reason he’d been able to get to know Rodney, he’d truly hate it. As it stood, he couln’t bring himself to, not with that in the way.

“Almost there John, just hang on a bit longer.”

“I will, believe me. Someone needs to be here to look after your sorry ass.”

“My sorry ass? At least I have an ass! And may I ask who’s doing the rescuing? Besides, what were you thinking to get it to do this?”

“Military stuff, had a meeting with Bates earlier.”


“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. Now stop distracting me.”

Before he knew it the walls glowed, or rather the lines around the shapes did. A bolt of light shot out and not knowing what it was John didn’t move fast enough, quickly regretting it. A cry of shock and pain erupted from his mouth and Rodney quickly moved to try and reach his side. A barrier, a force field of some kind, came up over the door and the scientist couldn’t get in no mater what he threw at it. Looking to his side, he quickly tore open a control pannel.

And John began his long dance across the room, trying not to get hit. He had a sneaking suspicion that if he got hit too often it would mean bye bye Johnny boy.


“Got it!”

And the lines on the wall dimmed, no more bolts of light, arrows or anything else came at John and finally the danger was over.

Rodney had saved the day.

Having been exausted before he’d reached the room, the man was completely drained and knowing he was safe fainted, no passed out, on the floor. Not waisting a second, Rodney ran towards him, taking the man into his arms and calling for help on his radio. His lover needed Carson.


John awoke to the face of Rodney McKay, PhD and genius for the second time in who knows how many days. A very concerned face for that matter. His right arm itched and looking at it briefly he saw that it was bandaged, and an IV was hooked up to his left arm. And then he looked back with a grin on his face.

“You don’t want me to take a look at anything else do you?”

“Not anything that can be shown in public, no.”

And even if they couldn’t see the sea or the stars, all was right in the world.

rodney mckay, fanfic, mcshep, stargate atlantis, john sheppard

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