Wherein the apprentice does not become the master

Dec 10, 2009 22:44

Who: pet_moonrabbit and yagokoro_eirin
What: Strife between Master and Apprentice
When: Friday, December 11th, before noon.
Where: Outside Eirin's and Reisen's room

Reisen put her key into the lock, but... it didn't fit. Eirin must have changed the lock.

The rabbit already replaced her wardrobe, figuring it would be easier if she had less things to take from her room, but... it didn't seem it would be that simple. It was just one thing, something that she rarely actually used, but... it was important to her.

"Master... do you really think that lowly of me?" the moon rabbit mumbled.

She could probably get somebody to pick the lock, or merely break down the door, but... she didn't want to make things worse between herself and Eirin than they already were.

"It's been a few days. She's probably calmed down enough by now," Reisen reasoned to herself, letting out a sigh as she decided to just wait.

eirin yagokoro, !closed, reisen udongein inaba

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