Vision Quest II

Jan 14, 2009 00:36

Who: Dr. Orpheus and anyone else who wants to go on a presonal vision quest
What: Dr. Orpheus has produced Darkwalker tea, which sends the drinker on a vision quest
When: Evening time
Where: In the East Library
On short notice, all he had been able to find were Dixie Cups for the tea, but that would have to make do. Orpheus had brewed the tea as close as he could to the instruction in the book, he had told everyone what he was doing. All that was left was to wait and see who showed up seeking enlightenment and personal betterment.

[[Orpheus has the tea almost perfect. Anyone drinking will indeed go on a personal vision quest and confront their innermost demons and secrets only to come through with a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world. Unfortunately, due to minor imperfections in the ingredients, anyone who partakes will either out right forget their experience or have very hazy and inaccurate memories of the whole thing. Also, ending the effect causes nausea in the drinker, and there are several buckets supplied for the worst case scenario in this regard.

dr. orpheus, ciaphas cain, guu, !open, asuka cranekick, elizabeth, raspberyl

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