Who: Solid Snake, and Anyone else who wants to Witness
What: Someone paid off his prinny debts
Where: Outside Baal's Castle
When: After The final battle.
Snake had tossed and turn, restless - feeling like his stitches are going to pop out, that something is calling him. As he opened his eyes - felt the light of the moon on him, but his should not let him notice this.
Then there was singing, soft - welcoming, peaceful. The Soldier slipped out of bed, and started to reach for his weapons, only to stop. No, he won't need it. One by one, the guns, the ammo, the bombs, they were dropped with a noisy clatter as he abandoned them all. Even the Bandanna, the one thing he kept long after he died was taken off and flung into the hallway.
He followed his instincts, and the other wide-eyed and curious prinnies outside. Where are they going? Where was he going? And why was it so peaceful?
Outside, the moon was full, and red, and there were shadowy, cloaked figures waiting for them.
"What... what is this?"