News Post

Nov 04, 2009 00:11

It's--oh, sugar and alcohol, why do you do this to me--twelve o'clock, and time for the news! Let's none of us make too much noise for another few days, okay?

As with every year, a time must come for Halloween to pass. May we forever cherish our memories of another holiday well-celebrated. Until next year when we party harder, anyway. Citizens and kidnappees of Baal's Netherworld, who participated in the Ultimate Death Overlord's bizarre trick-or-treating event, are encouraged to "reply" to "this entry" with "links" to "threads" in which they actually gave strangers candy instead of just arguing. Sources say there may be be some sort of reward attached. Why are we getting used as a vessel for this stupid publicity stunt?.

In more current but far less interesting news, the Dark Assembly have finally gotten off their lazy asses and made good on the results of a bill passed absolutely forever ago! Whether the delay was a result of extreme organizational incompetence on the government's part or mere refusal to acknowledge card games as anything of even the slightest importance, the wait is over.

Today, Prinny Vizier Scrooge McDood announced a Netherworld-wide Duel Monsters tournament! Because the popular children's card game has little cultural exposure in the Netherworld as of now. Mr. McDood commented to the effect that he would have simply had all would-be participants learn the rules of the game--but "I endeavored to do just that myself, dood, and for all my wisdom I was simply vexed by the absurd game's impossible and unnecessary complexity!" Shockingly strong words for such a stoic Prinny.

To that end, the rules of the tournament have been somewhat altered: there are none! Whether participants actually waste time betting the chips on playing card games with opponents or simply steal them by normal means, access to the Final Round later this month will require the acquisition of 13 [Prinny Tokens]! Each contestant, by which I mean "player character," will be given three of said tokens as well as a high-tech holographic [Duel Disk System]! Oh, and an actual deck of cards, assuming they *cougharen'talosercough* don't have one already.

The [Duel Disk System] technology, invented by some human named Kaiba and modified by famed Netherworld technician Dr. BT, is capable of projecting physical monsters more than capable of really attacking and maiming other monsters and players, so all participants choosing not to indulge in collectible gaming are advised to be cautious: even the nerdiest of nerds can defend themselves from a head-on attack. Dr. BT had this to say about his contribution: "The next time those cretins in the Assembly want to commission my handiwork, I hope they'll see fit to make it something worth my time." That's the mad scientist we all know and love!

And now, a breaking new bulletin on shocking discoveries in the field of professional Drying Paint Observation. Finally, a diversion from the tedium of Duel Monsters. Here's Pleinair with the story!

[OoC: Just what it says on the TL;DR. Comment here with threads where you gave Trick-or-Treaters candy for a little EXP.

If you're wondering what kind of deck your character got for the tournament, make it up. No, seriously, no rules on this being enforced at all. If you don't know anything about Yu-Gi-Oh, make it up harder. Remember: we have Abridged Series canon in the Netherworld, not actual Yu-Gi-Oh. Knowing how to play will have the exclusive effect of making it harder to be IC. Handle tournament duels/ambushes/pickpocketings like a regular fight log: talk to the other player about who wins.

ETA: Threads started during the event that are still being finished up can count towards candy EXP, even if you only give out candy now. If you've got an opportunity, go do it.]

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