Jun 15, 2009 02:40

It's two in the damn morning and it's time for the news! We are introducing a new format to the news, so if things seem a bit strange or annoying, you can suck it. I don't get paid to listen your complaints. Hell, I'm not even sure if I get paid to begin with. Now, onto the news.


Lately, there seems to be construction occurring all over the Netherworld. This includes the roadwork done by the perpetually on-break construction workers; work on Internetherway 666 is now reaching into its 1,476th year of construction.

Actually important improvements include the creation of a Netherworld atlus and a collection of unfinished Netherworld bills made for public perusal; of particular note is a bill apparently allowing for the repair of the Dimensional Gate, which has been broken for some time.

Now, we move onto:


In the first two weeks of this month, the Dark Assembly has seen an astounding number of bills, numbering in the...oh, there were six of them. Okay.

One bill by a nameless fairy led to an annoying and record-breaking drop in temperature for a week.

Another bill put forth by one 'Kanako Miyamae' led to the making of history as the first-ever free health care plan was created; she's expected to be bankrupt within the month. Miss Miyamae went on to attempt to pass another bill despite not waiting the minimum one week and was punished immediately.

Gig, the Master of Death, put forth a bill similar to that of the recently-disappeared Master Big Star: a request to face the almighty Overlord Baal; we will report on the result of this when the result is available, though my money is all on Baal.

The last bill I wish to draw your attention to is a special one:


A bill requested by the so-called 'Problem Sleuth' has lead the Netherworld to inevitably become a noir-style roleplay. What this entails will be explained at a later point, by which I mean the out-of-character section at the bottom of this post. The Baciel Party has thrown a very enormous hissy-fit, despite their representative having supported the bill. Senater Wasted claims to have been, quote, 'lead along by the man's massive PULCHRITUDE'. We expect much hysteria and crazy dames in the near future.


The following are a list of new Netherworld residents who have recently been taken from all that which they are familiar and from all the people they ever cared about and plunged into this Hell-hole for no reason:

eminent_lady, who from all accounts appears to be a very well-adjusted Catholic school girl.

hardboiled_keys; a mysterious man who seems to radiate an unearthly amount of PULCHRITUDE.

ihartsweetcurry who is apparently a wimp. Have at him, Demons.

esprit_forte, a Fon Master Attendant. What the Hell a Fon Master is or why we should care is beyond me.

danmaku-miko, a priestess stuck in a land of demons. Let's just hope she doesn't start looking for jewel shards. Seriously.

makenshimeister, a big woobie. He She It can't seem to deal with things well.

And that's the news! Now, over to Pleinair who is covering the aftermath of the Doodly Prinnies versus Steroid-Popping Baciels football game!


Starting as soon as this post is...posted, the roleplay will be turned into a noir-style roleplay. What this mean will include the following:
-EVERYTHING will be in black and white. Yes, characters will only be able to SEE in black and white.
-There will be absolutely no alcohol available. Legally, anyways. The Wasted Baciel Tavern during this event will be the Legal Baciel Gentleman's Place, which is a front for the speakyeasy being run by Senator Wasted. People can get drunk here, but if they get caught, they'll...have something happen to them.
-Any film noir cliches players want to incorporate. Such cliches include characters mentally narrating everything, private detectives solving murders or heists, femme fatales or needy women looking for help (feel free to switch the gender roles around!), chase scenes, lots of smoking, the mafia, and numerous other things. This idea is ripe with cliches.

To read up on noir for the event yourself (which I strongly urge and support you do) I suggest this and this. I apologize in advance if you never return from TVTropes.)

news post, event

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