Pretty Robin Hood promo pictures require wallpapers to be made! (And wow, this took awhile for me to upload everything and post it.)
800x600 |
1024x768 |
1280x10241280x800 (widescreen)
Comment if you like or are taking any! Credit either ingenu0us or netherfield_x. Do not hotlink. Do not alter or repost any of these as your own. Remember that wallpapers are intended for personal use on your computer desktop only. Note that credit/resources can be found here.
And enjoy!
Promo pics from wikidwitch (here). Pattern made by appletooth ( here). Paper textures made by brasaremean ( here). Scribble textures made by pale_septembre ( here).
ETA: If you're wondering what the French says, groovinupslowly told me, "It's a lyric from the song 'Quelqu'un m'a dit' by Carla Bruni, and it says 'I don't remember anymore- it was late at night.' She's remembering someone passing on a rumor that an ex-boyfriend or someone still loved her."
I just chose it because it looked good *sheepish grin* - It's part of a texture set by pale_septembre.