Jul 21, 2006 00:02
Just one of several people my last post was addressed to... our darling commander in chief a few days ago vetoed a bill allowing further stem cell research. Basically the gist of it was this... the bill would have allowed researchers to use excess embryos from fertilization clinics to continue their work in stem cell based medical advancements...Not having anything to do with abortion mind you... basically what he's saying is that after a couple freezes their embryos, and has a succesfull child... it's better that these embryos are discarded after a ccertian time limit, rather than be used for potentially life saving research, because there is a slim chance that they can be adopted by surrogate parents. Not to say they definately WILL become children.
Now i have to admit... i can see the point there... a mother and father who aren't able to concieve on their own, can still feel like biological parents by carryign the child to term and the mother can actually give birth. That is an awesome awesome thing, but still many of those unused embryos remain just that... Unused... and they are discarded eventually. Why not allow a few of them to be given to researchers so they can bring us closer to curing terminal and life ruining diseases. I'm not sayign that every extra ambryo needs to go into the hands of scientists... hell no... but i also don't believe our overtly religious douche bag of a leader should be barrign this research based on his own narrow beliefs.
Of course that's jsut my opinion... i could be wrong...