May 01, 2009 21:29
Getting back into Nethack after months off following my first ascension. (Every game I played was crappy. Dying almost immediately.) RNG gave me a Barbarian (same as my first ascension, haven't played Barbarian since my ascension.) Neutral this time instead of chaotic, though. I hear the artifacts are better as a Neutral. Will miss Stormbringer a bit, but things tended to get chaotic with Stormy around.
Found a bag of tricks in Minetown, brought it to a neutral altar on dlvl 2 and sacrificed until I got Cleaver. Ran out of charges, otherwise I would have continued. Not much of interest happened before Minetown, so I'm starting there. I do love Cleaver. My cat died fighting the Watch Captain. I can play Barbarian well without a pet, so I don't mind too much. Lost my armor on the way out after being bit by a werewolf. ("Werewolf isn't bad, I'll shrink down and my armor will fall off." No, it actually was destroyed. #monster as a wolf, #pray and lookie here! I have a pack of Wolves as pets now! Turns out they were too hard to control so I left them in the Mines.) Found some more dwarven mithril and continued on.
Read a scroll which I felt sure was genocide. No, it's punishment. Crap. Picked up the ball and threw it at things as an amusement, but that got old fast. Finally went to Sokoban (with the intention of using a sokoban boulder to crush the ball), realized there's no way to maneuver that on level 1. Got the scrolls of earth, left sokoban and dug a hole. Read a scroll of earth. Boulder falls down into the hole and frees me. Yay!
AC of 0, not great but okay since I'm still meandering around dlvl6 and 7. Found a throne room on 7 and the throne IDed every item I had on me. Nice! Put on the ring of slow digestion that I got IDed and satiated myself. I should be good for a long, long time now. Also have conflict and regeneration, two very useful early rings also. (Conflict more so than regen. Sokoban treasure room is quite easy with conflict. As I recall, Astral Plane was wild with conflict on.) Accidentally ate a corpse while satiated. Luckily survived it, should keep me full even longer now.
Cleared out the rest of Sokoban 1, gonna clear out the rest of the maze tonight and then do Mine's End. Want that luckstone.
So, not much happening yet. 10,000 turns, level 10. Highest possible skill in Axe & Dagger. Game seems to be shaping up nicely. I'm hoping to make a good run, though not optimistic enough yet to think this may be ascension #2. (To be honest, when I cleared the castle out last time, I realized I was going to ascend. I'd never been that deep before in the game, but I was positive I was going to ascend. Turned out to be right. Had to break my no spoilers rule to do it, though. No such rule is in effect this time. No feelings on ascension, though.)
More later this weekend after I played more.