That cough cleared up without ever really threatening to turn into something more sinister, so I'm back to work at the weekend. I'm glad I got the week off though, partly because I have no intention of being the person behind the headline: MORON GOES INTO WORK AT OLD FOLKS HOME SICK: EVERYONE DEAD NOW, and partly to bank some sleep in advance of what looks now like a good few months of craziness. Work sent me through the rota for the next fortnight, and holy fuck... It's not as bad as I at first thought, because on a closer look about a third of the shifts I'm down for I'm not definitely working, I'm just down as the backup in case someone else has to self-isolate. Really though, I'm just glad that there's a system in place and they're continuing to take this seriously, because I was worried that once the initial rush of panic wore off they would backslide and revert to the old system of on a scale of one to the norovirus, how contagious do you feel? as their way of deciding if you could go home or not.
I'll be glad to be back, I think having a job that's useful and invaluable (if demoralising and underpaid; and, hey, when all this is over don't think I won't remember that I'm apparently key infrastructure) is what's keeping me eerily calm while everyone around me loses their damn minds. I'll be glad to be out of the never-ending game of telephone where my mum and dad keep trying to get me to take sides in their week long argument over what is going to get them killed first, her going to the hairdressers or him going to the pub. I WILL COME OVER THERE AND GROUND YOU BOTH, SO HELP ME. AND IF I HEAR ANY BACKCHAT I'LL CONFISCATE THE IPADS.
I'll also be glad to be out because I can't die to that damn valkyrie any more, ahem. Aside from sleeping I have spent the week playing God of War which I really liked. But I wasn't really playing ye olde God of War, I was playing Ride Around In A Rowboat Trying To Be A Good Male Role Model For The Boy Simulator. And I think I was, a good video game father, that is, he was a little bit of dick after he found out he was part god, but he got better after I did the next story mission, which I am sure is how Actual Parenting works. But because I hadn't engaged with the combat system, because you can get through the main game mashing dodge and quick attack, or the gear system (I didn't even know their was a gear system) I was getting flattened in the optional endgame boss fights. Eh. I've seen the credits and I'm not a completionist, so I think I'm done.
I was looking through the other games that I've got but never played, and my options are The Witcher III, which I've played the first couple of hours of more than once and couldn't get into, but now might be the time to play it until it clicks, Dark Souls III, which I have had mentally filed under Look, I Could Do It, I Just Don't Want To since forever, or Dragon Age: Inquisition, which I know nothing about except that it has a decent sized fandom. Thoughts?
My friend had the idea that since we're supposed to be practicing social distancing we should find a game we've both got that we could play together and still chat over headsets. After comparing notes it turns out that we own precisely zero of the same games. He thinks I should buy one of the older Call of Duty games on the cheap, and I get what he's saying that it'd be more of a virtual place to hang out than something to play, but I'd still have to spend money on fucking CoD. I like the idea of being able to shoot the breeze still in-game but surely there must be something more, I don't know, Animal Crossing-y we could be playing while we do it.
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