Yes, there is an international men's day. It's in November.

Mar 08, 2020 21:42

I have had a crappy weekend at work, even beyond that which is implied by the phrase 'weekend at work.' Everything that could go wrong did. I fucked something up real bad, and my facetious response that 'well, no one died', (because, you know, in our line of work people do, and they didn't, and it's only money) endeared me to exactly nobody. Then I had a huge, blow-up row in the street with my closest work friend, actually given the amount of time I've had to spend at work this last year that probably qualifies him as my closest friend, period. He's a dude in his early fifties, but we vibe on the same wavelength, or at least I thought we did. I'm mad about for a whole host of reasons : one, it was stupid; two, we spend enough of our non-work socialising time playing video games and watching sport that he knows I'm uncomfortable with a 6'3 dude built like a prop forward yelling around me; and three; I'm mad at myself because I ended up sending an apologetic text saying that I value his friendship and I don't want to fall out, even though I'm pretty sure that not only was I right, but that he was a dick about it in in especially blokey ways, like, we were supposed to be going to a thing for the work together and he marched off without me even though he's nearly a foot taller than me and I couldn't possibly keep up meaning I either had to run to keep up with a mad dude who wasn't talking to me or look like I couldn't be arsed turning up on time.

I got a 'best friends forever' text in return, and that's why I usually like this dude, he's a fifty year old man who texts like a fourteen year old girl. And, on the one hand, that's what I wanted, for the argument to be over and us to be friends again. On the other, I feel like I failed International Women's Day, because I was right and he was a dick, and yet I'm the one who reached out to fix things, on the other hand International Women's Day isn't something you can fail, and even if it was it's so corporate now then who cares if you fail at it.



I've seen people taking prompts or writing ficlets for IWD; I'm not going to do that, but instead have a list of some fics that I think about writing and then don't:

1. DS9: Lenara stays on DS9; Jadzia dies anyway, Somehow Ezri still is super awkward.
2. Picard: Seven and Raffi bond over their lost hopes and sons, then bone.
3. Horizon Zero Dawn: Aloy is extremely gay and extremely uncomfortable with Avad's affections; she's also sleeping with Petra and in love with Tallanah.
4. Red Dead Redemption 2: Remember how that last job the gang actually pulled off was the one Karen planned, and how after the epilogue Sadie is probably the only character who is still up for a life of crime (reason 38 that she should have been the endgame playable character, ahem)? Well, that.

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