One of the many reasons I haven't been around much is that I haven't had a device with a keyboard for about six months and it has been hard to express the depth of my love for Chrisjen Avasarala or the universe spanning meh-ness of my reaction to Rise of Skywalker on a phone.
I shelled out for a brand new (read: five years old) macbook. Mostly because I needed a laptop for work, but a side benefit is that it should make it easier to word vomit my nerd feelings all over the internet.
I have been watching, and really enjoying, Picard. I'm not sure about the pacing, it feels like there are a lot of loose threads and I'd be hard pushed to name a defining trait of any of the characters other than Picard or Seven, but I absolutely adore the world building. I get that it's not a lot of people's cup of tea, and that's cool, but the greyer Federation is really working for me. My favourite of the older shows always was DS9, and even in TNG how many times did they have to foil an evil Starfleet admiral. I mean, at a certain point it can't be a coincidence that the bad apples keep rising to the top.
Yes, there was only one bit where Seven really felt like the Seven of Nine of Voyager ("I am...functional") and aside from that, if Jeri Ryan hadn't wanted to come back you could have changed the character's name and had things play out much the same, but. But I am really fascinated by extrapolating how you get from the Seven of Voyager to the Seven of Picard. Like, imagine bending your will to get back to the alpha quadrant only to find out that the much vaunted Federation wasn't all it was cracked up to be, especially for a character like Seven who was ambivalent at best about actually getting back.
And if Seven and Bjayzel were meant to be ex-lovers (and, really, there is no heterosexual explanation) it for the first time ever actually makes the Seven/Chakotay relationship actually make sense to me, as a sort delayed adolescence, compulsory heterosexuality thing. Like, if you had zero attraction to men and were looking around the crew of Voyager going: which of these guys would a heterosexual woman (which I definitely am!) be attracted to? Then you might, might pick Chakotay.
I've read the first two books in the Expanse series. If I had picked up Leviathan's Wake without having seen and loved the show and knowing that there were better things to come I doubt I would have read any further. I remember flicking through it in a bookshop years ago and putting it down with the impression that it was, for want of a better term, a boy book
And it is that and worse: the main characters are Miller (sad detective man) Holden (space cowboy) and the exquisite corpse of Julie Mao.
But book two! Caliban's War was amazing! Mostly because we get two new pov characters in the form of Bobbie Draper (think if Brienne of Tarth was a space marine) and Chrisjen Avasarala (elderly Punjabi politician; better than you.)
I ship them so much. Most of the fic seems to be Camina/Naomi, and I get it. Drummer's noble pining for Naomi works for me too, but at least on the show Naomi/Holden are so obviously the designated capital r Romance that I can't put my wee heart into it.
I can't remember the last time I read a series where my reactions to two books were so different. I almost don't want to read book three in case it doesn't last.
I went to see Birds of Prey; I was not looking forward to it. Not because I didn't want to see it, but because I'd arranged to see it with two dudes. They are my in real life nerd friends (...and the reason I sometimes miss fandom like whoa.) They are good dudes, but they are...dudes. So although we always have fun nerding out there are sometimes weird...mismatches, like where they said I only liked Captain Marvel because I had my feminism goggles on, even though I'd just told them that I liked it because I am a nineties kid and not responsible for the effect No Doubt's Just a Girl has on me. Or the time I didn't like Joker and had to spend three pints justifying why (for the record: I liked King of Comedy just fine the first time and didn't need to see it again with a comics coat of paint, nor am I a particular fan of Joaquin Phoenix's Look Mum, I'm Acting school of acting.)
So you can see why I was leery of us all seeing Birds of Prey together. Luckily we all found it delightful and had a lovely evening.
Black Canary and Huntress should bang. That is all.
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