Title: The Memory Remains (1/2)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Donna Noble
Summary: It's a crying shame that Donna can't remember the last eighteenth months of her life, especially now that there are alien space eggs growing in the photocopiers.
Rating: G
A/N: Written for the finish-a-thon, and ironically enough being posted unfinished, part two
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Comments 5
Damn this is good fun. I love Donna Noble, Office Manager.
And, well, *flaps*. Donna and her Amazing Photocopier Skills own my soul, as does the ever-delightful brisk humour of your writing. I look forward to part 2! :D
BRILLIANT! You are a genius. This is absolutely wonderful, and so much fun I think I may have sprained something. I can't wait to read the rest.
"I'm a bit worried about the alien space eggs growing in the photocopiers."
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