Still not dead!

Oct 25, 2006 17:51

Yeah, I know, I was gonna post more often, but this week has been crazy getting ready for ICC. So much to do, so little time to do it. I got like 8 minutes until work ends, though, and the phone isn't ringing (please let it not ring at the last minute), so I figured I'd at least say something.

Work. As I mentioned in a reply to a comment, I'm now working at WebTrends doing technical support for enterprise web analytics software. This is the first time I've done tech support for a product that's actually awesome, and that feels pretty good. And I just got the word that my final paperwork to roll to permanent will be ready this week. Except today is my last day this week thanks to ICC. Gah! One day earlier and I'd have medical insurance for the trip! Here's hoping I don't need it while I'm gone. :)

And now I gotta run. New email case showed up, and I got 5 minutes to bang it out so I can leave on time.


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