The Week of Catchup

Jun 13, 2005 13:21

So, moved in, but still unpacking and settling, not to mention moving gwenidh into the house (more moving! gah!). At least work is slowly improving as I get the hang of this crap, even if I have no time at home, and can't seem to get a good night's sleep to save my life.

Finally saw Star Wars yesterday, shortly before a big dinner thing with the extended family. This time centered around my brother and his wife so everyone could gawk at their new baby. She's sooo tiny! She was born premature by quite a while, came out at 3.5 pounds, but has doubled in weight since then. She's adorable, though, and slept pretty much the entire time we were there.

Then tagged over to take Dustin to the new Miyazaki film, Howl's Moving Castle. Good flick. Rumor has it that Miyazaki is retiring, though. Again. Lets hope it lasts as long as his other retirements have - that is, not very long. He makes great movies.

Have lots of catching up to do. Need to take care of the final statements from the various utilities at the old place, need to follow up with the managers of my old apartment and stab them in the eye for charging me for crap that was wrong when we moved in, need to deal with a mountain of Cam crap, need to get back into the groove with SCA fighting (and get my armor started), and still unpack and settle into the new place.

And sleep. Need to get some of that. Sometime...

general, stacy, movies

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