In search of Das Komet

Jun 07, 2005 13:59

At an convention a couple years ago, I stopped by the liquor store to pick up some more McGillicudy's vanilla schnapps for a party. They were out, but suggested I try this other vanilla schnapps called "Das Komet." It was yummy. Easily as smooth and tasty as the McGillicudy's that I was used to, but holy crap, it was 80 proof. This made me happy.

A few months ago, though, the jack-asses that run the Oregon liquor board thing decided not to carry Das Komet any more. It likewise appears to be absent from Washington store shelves. I could rant long and hard about the government interfering in commerce by telling me that I can't buy from a private source and then not selling me what I want, but really, I just want to get some more Das Komet.

It appears to be available in California, Massachusets, Nevada, and a bunch of other places that have web sites but don't make it obvious what state they're in. I'm hoping that someone in one of these places can help me acquire some of this wonderful nectar of inebriation.



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