Feb 28, 2006 22:02
well i was gonna quit my job, because nobody likes me, the hours (amount) suck, its just minimum wage, and i dont wanto work with people anymore...
Irine (the manager) has asked if i would like to take a supervisor position for the nightshift at a nearby resturant, and i accepted.
furthermore worked sucked today, as soon as lunched started, (unbeknownst to us) some fucker at headoffice cuts down our line to the office for casual repairs. This effectively makes the cash register and debit line not work and as an added fucken bonus we cant reach head office by telephone ither. I had to tackle 30 min worth of customers backed up to the door armed with a calculator, paper, and the prices on the display. (i would like to point out that this involves me also writing out 2 recepts, 3 if they want thier own copy). the manager who was also our only cook today was on the phone trying to get the damn till up.
We also were shortstaffed with only 4 peeps inc. me and my manager.
it good to now be their anymore.