
Oct 09, 2006 21:29

This year I have a subject called Técnicas de Expresión Oral Inglesa (TEOI). The subject is a practical one, based on the work carried out in class-time. However, there are some activities which I can develop outside class time as part of extra private study time, and which are required for those choosing the continuous assesment option. One of this activities is The Film Review Portfolio (FRP) (yes, another portfolio U________U). How does it works? Well, I have to watch a film in English - of course - every two weeks and then submit a task card based on it. Each card should contain information about different aspects (tittle of the film, director, date, cast, plot and personal comments. So I chose Kill Bill Vol. 1 to make my first review and I would appreciate your suggestions for the following weeks. Thanks.


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