Avatar: The Last Airbender
All About the Reason
WARNING: Spoilers through the end of the series.
Varietypack100: Lovers
“For you are a beautiful rose, but one of those roses that grows at the north pole! But none grow there, I guess. But you're a very pretty flower that does grow there! But no flowers grow there, I think, so that makes you some really pretty ice!”
Toph was sitting on a self-made rock chair nearby, her feet resting up on another rock. She looked at her friend with an apathetic expression. “Twinkle Toes, you can't write poetry.”
“What? But I made all the changes you told me too!”
“Yeah, and you added new problems that made it worse.”
“Well, okay then, what would you write?”
“How should I know? I'm not a poet.”
“...But you've been giving me advice on this...”
“If you don't like my methods, why not go ask Sokka?”
Aang couldn't tell if Toph was serious or not. He grabbed new writing supplies from his pack and started another attempt. This was his tenth, and Toph had been assigned as “the one who knows what girls like” through he entire thing. She was not somebody to encourage giving up, and most people shouldn't have on this issue, but Aang.... this just wasn't his thing. He was doing it because it seemed like something a good boyfriend would do. He wasn't really putting his emotions for Katara into it as much as he was attempting to look cool with it. That was the problem, not how much work his writing needed.
Toph noticed Aang suddenly scramble to hide his work. She turned around to spot Katara coming up to them, carrying the water containers. The waterbender raised an eyebrow at Aang's clearly tense posture. “Hey Aang, you alright?” she asked. Toph noticed, as usual, Katara's tone being even more sympathetic than it would be to anybody else.
“Uh...” Aang started, trying to figure out an explanation.
He never finished.
“Katara, Aang's trying to write you some lame, shallow love poetry and he dragged me into it. Could you like, act all 'girlfriendy' to him? I'm guessing that's the point of this or something.”
Aang simply stared at Toph wide eyed. Then looked over to Katara nervously. “Well...” he began.
Once again, he didn't get to finish. This time he didn't mind at all, however, because he was interrupted by a quick kiss from Katara. She then simply smiled at him to her eyes while he made an effort not to fall over.
“Well,” she said casually. Casually to the point of being a bit playful. “I was on my way to go get some water, so I guess I should keep going. Feel free to come along if you want.” She passed by him smoothly, continuing on her way.
“Uh, yeah!” He called to her. “Sure! Coming!”
He started after her, but felt himself being held back by a strong hand on his shoulder.
“You owe me,” Toph said.
“Got it,” Aang replied.
She let go and he bolted off after Katara.