So, as far as my birthday party goes. It didn't go quite as planned. It wouldn't be me having a birthday if bad stuff didn't happen. Lucky for you, it's taken this long for me to get around to posting again. (10 days) So, you are spared a rant. Besides, over all, the day ended up being good. :) In large part due to the hard work of those around me to cheer me up from some of the crappier things that did happen. --I'm still nervous about having a birthday party next year tho, to be honest.
Interestingly enough, one of the gifts I got was the first two seasons of Avatar: The Last Airbender. This has subsequently addicted the entire family to it. My husband and I have watched to the end of what's been released of the Fire Book and he's now going back to watch the first season(he didn't get pulled in until my daughter and I had started the second.) My daughter has just finished the second season. So, thus the spring revamp of my icons including a few Avatar ones. :)
I really heart Zuko, Iroh, and Sokka. I'm sort of amazed all my favorite characters are male. Especially since they do have kick ass female characters on the show. (I do really like Toph, as well, but my top are definitely those three.) Azula is a phenomenal character, but not one that I "like," if that's clear. It's always great when she shows up in an episode because you know that the plot will make a nice big jump forward. She is definitely a mover and a shaker in the Avatar world, willing to accomplish her goals however is necessary. She definitely gives the vibe that nothing is beyond her capabilities or beneath her.
On the opposite end is Katara, who has many of the same qualities that make me loathe the Xander character from Buffy series, but, atleast she's useful.
To quick some up, I like the way they parallel Zuko's Hero's Journey to Aang's. I guess since he's more conflicted and yet is always striving forward and bumbling around trying to understand his inner nature and his destiny, which unlike Aang he didn't have nicely laid out for him, I tend to find him much more fascinating. As for Iroh, do I really need to explain my love for the totally Zen, formerly as ruthless as Azula, goofy, capable, and generally bad ass, tea-loving old man? Really? Psshhhh... ;p Sokka, could have been doomed to being the "Xander" of Avatar, being the only character that has no bending ability, but instead he's amazingly useful in a lot of ways. He grew into his role as leader over the course of the first season. As is pointed out a few times he reads maps, keeps everyone on schedule, does all the general journey planning, as well as, acting as general cheerleader for the team. What no one ever directly points out in the series is that he's also an excellent strategist, almost always at the center of any battle plan that's done.
I could continue going on about the greatness of the series, but I have to get to the market. So, I'll sum up by saying that this is the first series in a long, long time where I've actually thought, "I'd love to meet these people." ^.^ Don't worry, I won't be writing any self-insertion fics. (Actually, after my single venture around the Avatar fandom yesterday, I am thoroughly disgusted by most of the fic I saw. Couldn't even contemplate cracking it open. If anyone can recommend something that won't send me running away, ie. Genfic or set WAY in the future...)