I saw some local burlesque and loved it! However, I felt that incorporating dance could make it so much more! Also after having some beers one night with E and N I was talking about how I really wanted to do burlesque but do a modern burlesque troupe in town that used current themes, costumes, songs, etc. :) N said she would completely support that and gave me some slots at a CVR show to do so. It just sort of grew from there.
4) Seeing you at club and LOVING your tattoo. Thinking how you were one of those pretty girls that gets guys to do what ever you want, yet you could treat them like crap. (This was before I ever talked to you and only saw you around).
It always surprises me to hear these things, because I only dated two people in "the scene" and never slept with anyone. Its all very weird. However, I was completely full of myself and back then was convinced that I could make any guy fall in love with me. I wouldn't even call myself a bitch, I was just egotistical and shy. So you aren't that far off... I am just always surprised that people thought I was slutty or that I used a lot of men, because I didn't really date anyone that anyone knew or slept with anyone (and found it funny years later to find out that those calling me a slut had slept with *far* more people than I had). Its always weird for me to look back. I wonder what I will say of myself now in five years.
It was less that I thought you were a slut and more that I thought you had guys who would follow you around. I didn't know anything about you and didn't really ever see you with any guys. It must have been the ego that made me think that. You just looked like if you wanted that guy over there to buy you something you could make him do it.
4) Seeing you at club and LOVING your tattoo. Thinking how you were one of those pretty girls that gets guys to do what ever you want, yet you could treat them like crap. (This was before I ever talked to you and only saw you around).
It always surprises me to hear these things, because I only dated two people in "the scene" and never slept with anyone. Its all very weird. However, I was completely full of myself and back then was convinced that I could make any guy fall in love with me. I wouldn't even call myself a bitch, I was just egotistical and shy. So you aren't that far off... I am just always surprised that people thought I was slutty or that I used a lot of men, because I didn't really date anyone that anyone knew or slept with anyone (and found it funny years later to find out that those calling me a slut had slept with *far* more people than I had). Its always weird for me to look back. I wonder what I will say of myself now in five years.
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