wip amnesty, continued. #7.

Sep 07, 2009 20:18

bigbangish. January 23 2008. Panic!, with other bandpeople also. NML AU where the four of them are agents. (Spencer is good at getting people to trust him, and is also telepathically connected to Ryan, who doesn't speak -- ever -- but can read others' minds. Jon's a tech. Brendon is the new agent who's sort of James Bond-ish.) I have no idea where this was going. 1191 words, but a lot of that is planning.

[00:31] meilleur_fils: OH OH QUESTION
[00:31] meilleur_fils: another.
[00:31] madbonnycaptain: :O.
[00:32] meilleur_fils: if Jon Walker were at THEY, would he be a tech or a field agent?
[00:32] meilleur_fils: see I feel like he could be either.
[00:32] madbonnycaptain: ... can I fidget and say field tech?
[00:32] meilleur_fils: *giggles*
[00:32] meilleur_fils: sure.
[00:32] meilleur_fils: see I was talking to Emma, thing.
[00:32] meilleur_fils: and I know what the other three would be!
[00:32] madbonnycaptain: PRINCE VALIANT WITH EMO HAIR
[00:32] meilleur_fils: WELL DUH
[00:33] meilleur_fils: IT IS HAWKEYE PIERCE
[00:33] meilleur_fils: ... ahahahaha he did Shaant's hair before Shaant did Shaant's hair.
[00:33] madbonnycaptain: I don't know what that is.
[00:33] meilleur_fils: *beams*
[00:34] meilleur_fils: because see.
[00:34] meilleur_fils: *gestures vaguely*
[00:34] meilleur_fils: Spencer and Ryan, see, they're a team~
[00:34] meilleur_fils: !
[00:34] madbonnycaptain: yes.
[00:34] meilleur_fils: because Ryan's shit at diplo, really, but Spencer is amazing at it.
[00:35] meilleur_fils: and he's even better if he's got Ryan helping him, because Ryan can sort of. read people. almost read minds?
[00:36] meilleur_fils: and Brendon would be, like.
[00:36] meilleur_fils: Emma: Brenda/on would be ... would be one of those agents that Mel keeps giving the easy jobs to, you know? Like, "help this old lady across the street." And halfway through helping the old lady across the street, V from V for Vendetta would show up and explode the government and he would have to fix it AGAIN
me: ::cracks up::
7:51 PM Emma: It sounds right to me. firm
[00:38] madbonnycaptain: ... um.
[00:38] meilleur_fils: what think you?
[00:39] madbonnycaptain: well really I think it would depend on who trained him.
[00:39] meilleur_fils: well what do you think he would do
[00:39] meilleur_fils: ?
[00:39] meilleur_fils: also I feel I should include MCR because I have half of FOB there already.
[00:40] madbonnycaptain: *snickers*
[00:40] madbonnycaptain: yes on MCR, man.
[00:40] madbonnycaptain: I kind of want to let Brendon be Surprisingly Suave, though.
[00:41] meilleur_fils: well but that's Pete!
[00:41] madbonnycaptain: so you want the Brendon who wears red glasses and a pink hoodie and girl jeans instead?
[00:41] meilleur_fils: ... oh god I could have both
[00:41] meilleur_fils: he does that at headquarters
[00:42] madbonnycaptain: of course he does.
[00:42] meilleur_fils: and then Spencer and Ryan go on mission and get told "hey, there's another agent there already, but don't let on that you know him"
[00:42] meilleur_fils: and it's Brendon.
[00:43] madbonnycaptain: :O.
[00:43] meilleur_fils: and they can't say anything because they're both too, y'know.
[00:43] meilleur_fils: dumbfounded.
[00:43] madbonnycaptain: XD
[00:44] meilleur_fils: and the Snakes OT3 are the ones who go sow the seeds of revolution.
[00:44] meilleur_fils: and wear leather. they think it makes them look cool.
[00:44] meilleur_fils: and then after a little persuasion William starts walking around headquarters in just the leather trousers.
[00:44] madbonnycaptain: XD
[00:44] madbonnycaptain: of course they do and he does
[00:45] meilleur_fils: but what do the MCR guys do? *blank*
[00:45] meilleur_fils: (... funny story. I think my dad takes this.)
[00:46] madbonnycaptain: (hee.)
[00:46] madbonnycaptain: Bob is a tech.
[00:47] madbonnycaptain: I think that Gerard and Mikey are brotherteam, because that is sensible, and Frank is their pocket tech who keeps smuggling himself along on missions to bail them out of things.
[00:47] meilleur_fils: ... in their pockets?
[00:47] madbonnycaptain: and Ray and his 'fro join Joe and his 'fro for strange 'fro-based missions.
[00:48] madbonnycaptain: (of course.)
[00:48] meilleur_fils: ... um.
[00:48] madbonnycaptain: well, why not?
[00:48] meilleur_fils: what does Andy do, then?
[00:48] meilleur_fils: and I feel that maybe I should include the Hushies in there too.
[00:48] madbonnycaptain: heee.
[00:49] meilleur_fils: possibly Bob is the guy they keep around because he's good at playing sketchy dudes.
[00:49] madbonnycaptain: *snickers*
[00:49] meilleur_fils: well I mean DUDE.
[00:50] meilleur_fils: also Seana did a poll a "who would you do" poll sort of thing
[00:50] madbonnycaptain: oh dear.
[00:50] meilleur_fils: of within each band, and stuff.
[00:50] meilleur_fils: and nobody voted for Bob. Morris. a fair few people voted for Bryar.
[00:50] madbonnycaptain: heee.
[00:51] madbonnycaptain: I would. He is amusing, really! esp. in that picture in the background with Zoey and Chris.
[00:51] meilleur_fils: ... that's frightening.
[00:52] madbonnycaptain: what.

When Spencer wakes up, he's aware of two things: he's alone in the bed, and he's got a headache.

Fuck that, he thinks, and goes back to sleep.

The second time he wakes up, he's still got a headache. And he's still alone, but that surprises him a good deal less. Although, now he's actually awake instead of just pretending to be, he can tell that the pain in his head is both incredibly intense and kind of distant -- oh. Well. Fuck, that explains it. And also tells him that he probably only slept for about an extra hour. If that. Somewhat disappointing, he will admit, but at least he can solve the headache.

"Do us all a favor and please, please go do something about your head," Spencer says when he steps out into his living room and sees Ryan sprawled out on the couch. "It was there at least an hour ago, don't try and tell me it wasn't. Fucker," he adds after a moment, because it's appropriate.

Ryan sits up a little on the couch, scowls through what Spencer can now see is his migraine face. I would if I could make it to the bathroom, dumbass. It's not my fault you wouldn't fucking wake up, is it.

"-- oh. I was having a dream about yelling, sorry."

Who the hell are you, Spence, seriously. A dream about yelling. Do you listen to yourself?

"Fuck you," Spencer says, but gently pushes Ryan back down to the couch on his way to the bathroom. They'll be okay in about an hour, he figures, but until then he plans to turn the lights off for both their benefits and then curl up on the couch with Ryan. And maybe, if he's lucky, get that other hour of sleep he wanted.

There's someone strange in the cafeteria, Ryan says, dropping down on the couch next to Spencer. His glasses are so red I actually want to cry.

"Well, it's good to see you're feeling better." Spencer grabs one of the napkin-wrapped bundles out of his hands. "You think everyone's strange," he says, unwrapping the cookies, but all the same he's paging through the list of people they know, trying to figure out who Ryan means.

I think he's new, Ryan says, shrugging. He feels new.

"I didn't know we had any new agents. Did you hear anything about it?"

No, but I just got my handheld fixed yesterday, and since we were on mission until then it's not like I could check yours. Ryan elbows Spencer in the side halfheartedly, laying his head down on his shoulder and having some cookie. All things considered, you should be the one telling me about him.

"Yeah, fuck you," Spencer says, arm settling around Ryan's waist. "Hey, did you just steal my last cookie?"

2010-02-15 15:00:38
Brendon Urie (notstirred)

All right, so, if anyone can see this, could you give me directions to go find the techs? I don't actually know if anyone can see this, but if you can I would really, really appreciate it.

Jon Walker (blacklabel):
Where are you?
Brendon Urie (notstirred):
I'm not sure, uh. My first instinct is to say "a forest", but since I know I'm in a building I'm not going to.

Although you could pretend I had, if it would help.

Jon Walker (blacklabel):
No, that's actually a forest, don't worry. Just stay there, I'll come find you in a few.

wip amnesty, no man's land, panic! at the disco

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