OK, I know I'm obsessed and it's not healthy...but..

Nov 13, 2010 03:24

Reiny is not here to keep me sane...so here it is: First Week Rating (more like viewership by the number) of Conan.
You can't find it elsewhere, 'cos Thur.'s rating is not on the internet. I had to use my mathematic skills, God knows how little
I have, to make them out so that this table is complete. This is an truly exclusive. LOL.

First Week of Conan
 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayAverageTotal Viewer4.2(Mil)2.8(Mil)2.7(Mil)1.9(Mil)2.9(Mil)18-493.282.131.881.312,1518-342,451,421,150.941.49

Even with the lowest point of Thursday's numbers, which one can not easily get via internet, Conan's rating is in no way, bad
for basic cable. But to compete head to head with Jay? Not a chance. Jay Leno's foe is, and always will be Letterman.
So this whole thing is actually about the brotherhood of the former NY gang,  Conan, Stephen and Jon, poor babe is so sick today.

After the Rally,and the mid-term elections, TDS is having a slow week. (TCR is still yet to watch thus can not judge).
It's like attacking a guy after orgasm,  One's in his least defensive mode, and all tired and jaded.

I can't find TDS and TCR's numbers except for Monday. Maybe CC didn't release them for the protection of both shows, or maybe 
they just didn't get involved in the media coverage. After all, what happens in late night,  may not see the morning light.

TBS's timing can not be better. Yet the fourth day's numbers are less than thrilling. The number may not be accurate since I conducted them
myself, and the raw materials I used are from different reports, though they do claim to be all from Nielson, they nonetheless say something about the infant show's future. Let's say next week Conan keeps half the average, that would put his daily number at around
1.5 Mil, which I would say TDS has a good chance of beating, in highly political times. So the game is on, or maybe it's totally off. After all,
it's late night basic cable, it might as well be a tree in a forest, no one knows, more importantly, no one really cares.

I still think TBS's attempt to put Conan out there beautifully and strongly, is both brilliant and insidious. They have put up a good fight, 
and the holiday season is just around the corner. In the spirit of  Hanukkah and Christmas,  let's just say the bubbles TBS created might even
last longer than it should. 
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